Teen Dating Traps: 4 Lessons to Teach Your Kids for Healthy Relationships
Sep 12, 2022
In today's dating landscape, various trends and behaviors can hinder the development of healthy relationships. While catfishing (misleading someone about your identity) gained notoriety through cases like Manti Te’o, there are other destructive practices that young adults and high schoolers engage in. Addressing these concerns, here are four dating trends and the healthier solutions parents can teach their teens:
Crush Kitten Fishing with Impeccable Integrity
Catfishing involves being entirely misleading about your identity, while "Kitten Fishing" refers to telling small lies or presenting oneself as something they are not. Examples include using only flattering pictures or exaggerating accomplishments. The solution is to redirect the energy spent on hiding weaknesses into becoming one's best self. Emphasize strengths authentically and avoid airbrushing vulnerabilities.
Exterminate Pests with Clearer Communication
Avoid being "roached" or roaching others, where someone hides the fact that they are dating multiple people simultaneously. Establish clear communication about exclusivity and the nature of the relationship. Regularly check in with the person you're dating and, when appropriate, define the relationship (DTR). Avoid assuming exclusivity but ensure clarity about dating others.
Deepen Your Love with Time... Not "Love Bombs"
Love bombing involves manipulative tactics at the beginning of a relationship, such as excessive compliments, constant gifts, and quick advancements. Healthy love develops over time, and genuine connections require patience and multiple interactions. Watch out for signs of love bombing, and recognize that lasting love is built gradually, not through overwhelming gestures.
Commit and Throw the Cookie Jar Away
Dating multiple people without committing to anyone is known as "cookie jarring." The term refers to keeping someone in reserve while pursuing other relationships. To build strong, lasting relationships, it is crucial to learn to commit. Have a plan when dating multiple people, but once a connection is established, commit and let go of other options. Avoid viewing potential partners as commodities and embrace commitment for meaningful growth.
In summary, addressing these dating traps involves promoting authenticity, clear communication, patience, and commitment. By instilling these values, parents can help their teens navigate the complexities of modern dating and build healthier relationships.
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